Graphics Plus
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244 lines
#ifndef lint
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
/* Module: irafdisp.c (Iraf Display)
* Purpose: Respond to input from IRAF meant for Imtool
* Subroutine: imtool_reinit() returns: int
* Subroutine: disp_subpiece() returns: void
* Subroutine: set_imtool_scale() returns: void
* Subroutine: set_imtool_color() returns: void
* Copyright: 1989 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* You may do anything you like with this file except remove
* this copyright. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* Modified: {0} Michael VanHilst 7 Nov 1989
* {1} MVH don't set imtool_colors if halftone 24 Nov 1989
* {n} <who> -- <does what> -- <when>
#ifdef IMTOOL
#include <stdio.h> /* stderr, FILE, NULL, etc. */
#include <X11/Xlib.h> /* get X types and constants */
#include <X11/Xutil.h> /* X window manager stuff */
#include "hfiles/constant.h" /* define codes */
#include "hfiles/struct.h" /* declare structure types */
#include "hfiles/extern.h" /* extern main SAOimage parameter structures */
#include "hfiles/scale.h" /* define scaling constants */
* Subroutine: imtool_reinit
* Purpose: Reinitialize parameters after any buffer size change and
* before loading new
void imtool_reinit ( width, height )
int width, height;
void init_img(), init_dispcen(), d_transform(), new_panbox();
int init_imagebuf();
img.fiX1 = 1;
img.fiY1 = 1;
img.fiX2 = width;
img.fiY2 = height;
/* force default of display center on new size, else use current center */
if( (img.filecols != width) || (img.filerows != height) ) {
img.filecols = width;
img.filerows = height;
img.fdcenX = 0.0;
img.fdcenY = 0.0;
img.fdblock = 0;
} else {
float fdx, fdy;
/* translate from file to img coords */
d_transform(&coord.imgtofile, coord.id.cenX, coord.id.cenY, &fdx, &fdy);
img.fdcenX = (double)fdx;
img.fdcenY = (double)fdy;
img.fdblock = coord.id.block;
/* initialize imaging parameters */
if( control.IRAF_out.protocol == IOP_PROS )
img.file_type = SOP_PROS;
img.file_type = SOP_Imtool;
/* imtool packets are 8bit (for now, anyway) */
img.bytepix = 1;
init_img(&img, &coord);
init_dispcen(&img, &coord);
/* don't flag that buffer must be loaded, it's not that kind of load */
coord.buferror = 0;
buffer.load_filebuf = 0;
/* set up the panbox accordingly */
* Subroutine: disp_subpiece
* Purpose: Map and display a sub-section of the full buffer.
void disp_subpiece ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
int x1, y1, x2, y2; /* i: coordinates in buffer.shortbuf */
float dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
float iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2;
Coordsys disp;
Edges bd;
int dy, dh;
int bh, block, py_off;
char *data;
short *sb, *pb;
void d_transform(), set_edges(), map_dispbox(), disp_dispbox();
void set_dispoff(), new_panimage();
/* set box to map only the given section */
bcopy((char *)&coord.disp, (char *)&disp, sizeof(Coordsys));
bcopy((char *)&coord.bd, (char *)&bd, sizeof(Edges));
d_transform(&coord.buftoimg, (double)x1, (double)y1, &iX1, &iY1);
d_transform(&coord.imgtodisp, (double)iX1, (double)iY1, &dx1, &dy1);
(double)(x2 + 1), (double)(y2 + 1), &iX2, &iY2);
d_transform(&coord.imgtodisp, (double)iX2, (double)iY2, &dx2, &dy2);
/* ignore if section is not visible in the display window */
if( (dx1 <= (float)dispbox.width) && (dx2 > 1.0) &&
(dy1 <= (float)dispbox.height) && (dy2 > 1.0) ) {
/* clip edges to the display window */
if( dx1 < 0.0 )
dx1 = 0.0;
if( dx2 > (float)dispbox.width )
dx2 = (float)dispbox.width;
if( dy1 < 0.0 )
dy1 = 0.0;
if( dy2 > (float)dispbox.height )
dy2 = (float)dispbox.height;
coord.disp.X1 = dx1;
coord.disp.Y1 = dy1;
coord.disp.X2 = dx2;
coord.disp.Y2 = dy2;
coord.disp.Y1i = (int)dy1;
coord.disp.Y2i = (int)dy2 - 1;
coord.disp.Yhght = 1 + coord.disp.Y2i - coord.disp.Y1i;
set_edges(&coord.disptobuf, &coord.buf, &coord.disp, &coord.bd);
/* redefine the edges in the display window if at edge of buffer */
if( coord.bd.block < 0 )
set_dispoff(&coord.disptobuf, &coord.disp, &coord.bd);
bcopy((char *)&disp, (char *)&coord.disp, sizeof(Coordsys));
bcopy((char *)&bd, (char *)&coord.bd, sizeof(Edges));
/* set box to only draw the given section */
dy = dispbox.yzero;
dh = dispbox.yheight;
data = dispbox.image.data;
dispbox.yzero = dy1;
dispbox.yheight = (int)(0.5 + dy2 - dy1);
/* note this works for halftone (bit/pixel) and color (byte/pixel) */
dispbox.image.data += (dispbox.yzero * dispbox.image.bytes_per_line);
dispbox.yzero = dy;
dispbox.yheight = dh;
dispbox.image.data = data;
/* replace the panbox with a new one */
block = (int)coord.pantoimg.inx_outx;
bh = coord.pan.Yhght;
dh = panbox.yheight;
dy = panbox.yzero;
data = panbox.image.data;
pb = buffer.panbuf;
sb = buffer.shortbuf;
/* this should always be true, since imtool doesn't do less than 512 */
if( block >= 1 ) {
y1 = (y1 / block) * block;
y2 = (((y2 / block) + 1) * block) - 1;
if( y2 >= coord.buf.Yhght )
y2 = coord.buf.Yhght - 1;
py_off = y1 / block;
buffer.shortbuf += (y1 * coord.buf.width);
buffer.panbuf += (py_off * coord.pan.Xwdth);
coord.pan.Yhght = (1 + y2 - y1) / block;
panbox.yzero = py_off;
panbox.yheight = coord.pan.Yhght;
panbox.image.data += (panbox.yzero * panbox.image.bytes_per_line);
} else
py_off = -1;
if( py_off >= 0 ) {
buffer.shortbuf = sb;
buffer.panbuf = pb;
panbox.yzero = dy;
panbox.yheight = dh;
panbox.image.data = data;
coord.pan.Yhght = bh;
* Subroutine: set_imtool_scale
* Purpose: Force the scalemap to match the range of imtool image data
void set_imtool_scale()
void set_imtool_colors(), make_scalemap(), touch_submenu_button();
/* identify min and max used by imtool */
buffer.clipmin = 1;
buffer.clipmax = 200;
buffer.scale_min = 0;
buffer.scale_max = 200;
/* force new scaling, but not hisotgram equalize if it would be invoked */
if( (color.scale.mode == SOP_HistEq) &&
(color.ncolors < 200) && (color.ncolors > 1) ) {
color.scale.mode = SOP_Linear;
touch_submenu_button(SOP, SOP_Linear);
if( color.ncolors == 1 ) {
color.ncolors = 256;
make_scalemap(0, 200);
color.ncolors = 1;
} else {
make_scalemap(0, 200);
* Subroutine: set_imtool_colors
* Purpose: Map colors used as graphics options in imtool
void set_imtool_colors ()
unsigned char *lookup;
lookup = buffer.scalemap + SCALEOFF;
/* imtool cursor color */
lookup[201] = (unsigned char)color.gcset.draw.foreground;
lookup[202] = (unsigned char)color.hard.true_black;
lookup[203] = (unsigned char)color.hard.true_white;
lookup[204] = (unsigned char)color.hard.red;
lookup[205] = (unsigned char)color.hard.green;
lookup[206] = (unsigned char)color.hard.blue;
lookup[207] = (unsigned char)color.hard.yellow;
lookup[208] = (unsigned char)color.hard.std_black; /* imtool cyan */
lookup[209] = (unsigned char)color.hard.std_white; /* imtool magenta */
lookup[210] = (unsigned char)color.hard.yellow; /* imtool coral */
lookup[211] = (unsigned char)color.hard.red; /* imtool maroon */
lookup[212] = (unsigned char)color.hard.yellow; /* imtool orange */
lookup[213] = (unsigned char)color.hard.std_white; /* imtool khaki */
lookup[214] = (unsigned char)color.hard.red; /* imtool orchid */
lookup[215] = (unsigned char)color.hard.green; /* imtool turquoise */
lookup[216] = (unsigned char)color.hard.blue; /* imtool violet */
lookup[217] = (unsigned char)color.hard.std_white; /* imtool wheat */